Pre and Post Coach
currently obtaining PES from NASM.
I was born and raised in Staten IslandNewYork. I have always been into athletics and found myself with an affinity for track & field. I ran D1 for St. Francis University in Brooklyn, New York. After college, I taught physical education and became a track coach. I love sharing my knowledge and love for the sport and felt a calling to become a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT).I now specialize in working with athletes as a performance enhancement specialist for sports performance, as well asworking with women to support their health and fitness as a pre and post-natal coach.
In 2021Imade the tough and life-changing decision to move west toLA,in pursuit ofmy purpose in life. I needed to get off the crutch of living in NewYorkwhere my family was. I needed to venture out on my own and build something for myself.My son changed my perspective on lifeandI lean into the fact that tomorrowis never promisedandI’ve got to be present every singleday.
I wake up every day with focus and intention. I am grateful for the opportunity to LIVE,to grow,tospread positivity, light, and energy to the community.